Is Your Revenue Cycle Financially Healthy?
Chances are, they are not. We are in unprecedented times when healthcare professionals are off-shoring their revenue cycle. Offshoring is a standard business practice for medical providers, allowing the professionals to move some of their processes and services to overseas corporations, as it lowers the cost. This is a practice healthcare professionals turn to when their organization is bleeding money.
The notion behind this is that the company overseas will charge pennies on a dollar and will handle the work for the organization, including coding, medical billing & collections, appeals, denial management of services, and much, much more. The takeaway is that healthcare organizations do not have to spend the money to hire staff to handle the intricate parts of their revenue cycle.
Do I recommend this? I do not. It is a strategy that has hurt many healthcare professionals throughout the years. So much so that bankruptcy was the only option, resulting in the professionals having to start over from scratch.
If you are a healthcare professional who does not want to take that leap and offshore your services but does not have a financially healthy Revenue Cycle, then look no further!
Alimay Healthcare Solutions has more than 17 years of healthcare experience, ranging from claims, insurance verification and benefits, customer support, medical billing & collections, prior authorizations, credentialing, coding, denial management, payment posting, and much, much more! We are based in the United States, and we work with our clients not only to save you money but also to structure your revenue cycle to a financially healthy system. We take the stress off your plate, and we will work until the work is completed.
If you are interested in learning more about our services and what we can do for you, please email us today at info@alimayhealthcaresolutions.net.